Development Contributions

Council collects funding for infrastructure and facilities through any of the following:

  1. Section 7.11 Contributions – a nexus based funding mechanism under Section 7.11 of EP&A Act 1979 being charged for the proportion of demand that the new development will generate.
  2. Section 7.12 Levies – a funding mechanism under Section s7.12 of EP&A Act 1979 requiring a fixed levy based on a percentage of estimated development cost.
  3. Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs) under section 7.4 the EP&A Act 1979 – is a ‘voluntary agreement or arrangement’ between ‘developers’ and ‘planning authorities’ that covers the terms of public benefits offered by the developer. Public benefits may be a monetary contribution; to dedicate land free of cost; material public benefits; or any combination of the above.

s7.11 & s7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 allow Council to collect developers’ contributions towards public amenities and services required as a consequence of development. This may be the provision of new facilities for an area or the expansion of existing facilities where an area is growing.

Watch this video from the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment website to get an understanding on what s7.11/s7.12 and VPA contributions funding is used for. 

Changes to Council’s Development Contributions apply from 4 July 2019

Effective on 4 July 2019, the new Willoughby Local Infrastructure Contributions Policy 2019 and the Willoughby Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 commence to operate. Simultaneously, Chatswood CBD section 94A Development Contributions Plan 2011 and Willoughby City section 94A Development Contributions Plan 2011, cease to apply to Willoughby Council.

Housing and Productivity Contribution commencing in 1 October 2023

On 1 October 2023, the state government's Housing and Productivity Contribution (HPC) charges apply to certain residential, commercial and industrial development applications (including DAs and CDCs) that are made on or after 1 October 2023. For details on the applicable contribution rates, visit the Department of Planning's website.

For any enquiries relating to HPC, contact the Department on 1300 420 596 or

Use the online estimator and quick reference guide to get an estimated calculation of the HPC.

The HPC is in addition to the local council's s7.11/s7.12 contributions. Please ensure all applicable local and state contributions are paid before the issue of Construction Certificate (for DA) or before work commences (for CDC).