The Community Recycling Centre is temporarily unable to accept paint, oils, light globes, gas cylinders, aerosols, household and embedded batteries due to a fire at the processing facility.
Area: 2.13 ha
Muston Park is named after William Thomas Muston, the original owner of the land and Mayor of Willoughby 1890. His home ‘Penshurst’ stood in the middle of the land which was subdivided and sold in 1921. In 1926 the Council purchased the land from Joseph Knight Smith, owner of Willoughby Hotel, and created a public park. The ‘Penshurst’ entry gates were re-located to Willoughby Park.
The Park is located at the transition between Hawkesbury Sandstone and Wianamatta Shale soils. It would once have supported Blue Gum High Forest, but no remnants of the original canopy are left. The oldest trees in the park, which are located near the amenities block, include a Camphor Laurel, two Bunya Pines, a Moreton Bay Fig and an Oak, which may date back to the 1880s when Muston Park was part of a pleasure ground known as Royal Park.
The fenced inclusive playground features; swings, a basket swing, rocketship with slide, sensory elements, water pump, sandpit, mars rover and trike track.
Muston Park, Penshurst Street, Chatswood 2067 View Map
Muston Park, Penshurst Street , Chatswood 2067
Muston Park