Development Proposal - Designated and Integrated

Last modified on 29 October 2021

Planning Proposal

A Modification Application has been lodged for a Designated Development (Schedule 3 (32) of Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979). and a Nominated Integrated Development (Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979).

The application is considered Designated Development pursuant to Clause 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

Application No: DA-2015/264/B

The Date of lodgement: modification application has been lodged with Council on 15 October 2021.

Address: 10 McLachlan Avenue, ARTARMON NSW 2064 (Lot 1 DP 1224038) 

Proposal: DESIGNATED AND INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT - Modify existing consent to increase the throughput limit. change to the permissible activities during night time hours to allow for processing, sorting and load out of material to be carried out 24 hours a day & expand the existing waste streams to include dry Commercial and Industrial waste types. 

Applicant: Mr Brad Searle for Bingo Property Pty Ltd 

Consent Authority: Willoughby City Council    

Nominated Integrated Development: Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 

Approval Required: NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) under Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (Clause 43 (b), 48 and 55) 

Closing Date for Comments: 3 December 2021 

The detailed plans, and other documentation for the proposal can be viewed:

If you have difficulty or are unable to access the internet, then please contact Customer Service Centre on 9777 1000 to discuss an alternative arrangement regarding the documentation.

The application is available for inspection until the above closing date. If you would like to make a comment on the proposal, it must be made in writing and must be received at Council by the above closing date. Any person who makes a submission by way of objection to the Development Proposal, and is dissatisfied with the determination of the consent authority to grant development consent, may appeal to the Land and Environment Court. Nonetheless, if the Independent Planning Commission conducts a public hearing, the Commission’s determination of the application is final and not subject to appeal.