Development Proposal - Advertised

Last modified on 19 October 2020

Planning Proposal

A Development Application has been lodged for Advertised Development.

Application No: DA-2020/231

Address: 475-501 Victoria Avenue, CHATSWOOD (Lot 1/DP 774973)

Proposal: Alterations and additions to existing commercial building, to include addition of six (6) storeys, relocation of lobby/entry, addition of café retail space, deletion of eco-roof, increase of roof plant area, changes to internal layout and external materials and associated works

Applicant: Cromwell Property Securities Ltd

Closing Date for Comments: 9 November 2020 

The detailed plans, and other documentation for the proposal can be viewed:

If you have difficulty or are unable to access the internet, then please contact Customer Service Centre on 9777 1000 to discuss an alternative arrangement regarding the documentation.

The application is available for viewing until the above closing date. If you would like to make a comment on the proposal, it must be made in writing and must be received at Council by the above closing date.