Community Recovery Plan 2020

Last modified on 18 June 2021


Council noted the completion of execution of the Willoughby Community Recovery Plan 2020, in response to the pandemic.

Mental health, social isolation, health and wellbeing, impact to people under 35 and economic impacts were the key priority areas of the Plan.

To address the mental health effects of social isolation, Council created a number of opportunities for people to connect in COVID-safe environments, such as Lunar New Year, the Chatswood Family Festival and Iso-Inspo.

An increase in the use of Council facilities and attendance at events indicates growing community confidence in returning to social activity, with some community centres almost returning to pre-COVID-19 levels.

Council has also been busy in addressing the potential effects of the pandemic on people under the age of 35, including developing a mentoring program for youth, internship opportunities for university students and increased communication on healthy behaviours and mental health services.