WDCP Amendment - Part C3 Building Sustainability

Last modified on 15 May 2020

Amended Part C3 of Willoughby Development Control (WDCP) – Building Sustainability was adopted by Council 11 May 2020.

The purpose of the amended Plan is to create a more ‘user-friendly’ document that reflects contemporary controls with the aim of applying ‘best practice’ principles in the design and construction of developments to create energy efficient and environmentally sustainable buildings.

The amended Plan provides a hierarchy of controls based on the type and cost of developments, including; requirements for a Sustainability Performance Statement, Green Star rating report and/or an Energy Commitment Agreement under the National Australian Built Environmental Rating Scheme (NABERS).

Amended Part C3 of WDCP comes into effect on publication of this notice on Council’s web site (15 May 2020). The amended Plan can be viewed on Council’s website.

Any enquiries should be sent to email@willoughby.nsw.gov.au or posted to PO Box 57, Chatswood NSW 2057.

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