The Community Recycling Centre is temporarily unable to accept paint, oils, light globes, gas cylinders, aerosols, household and embedded batteries due to a fire at the processing facility.
Last modified on 08 November 2023
Mayor Tanya provides her monthly video update with highlights from the October 2023 Council meeting including acknowledging fellow Councillors Eriksson, Rozos and Wright for their civic service and contribution to our community.
Council endorsed the public exhibition of the Community Participation Plan, the Public Spaces and Recreation Strategy 2023 will placed on exhibition, and the O.H Reid Reserve and the Broomham, Forsyth and Killingsworth Parks Reserve Action Plans have been adopted by Council.
The updated Risk Management Policy 2023 has now been endorsed as well as an increase in parking fees was endorsed to align Willoughby Council’s metered parking rates with industry benchmarks and neighbouring councils.