Request an additional waste service or cancel an existing service


When would you need this?

Customers can request either a new or additional domestic waste management service.

  • New full domestic service.
  • Additional full domestic service.
  • Extra green waste service.
  • Extra recycling service.

You can also use this request to cancel an existing waste service.

What you need to know:

  • The new full domestic service request is for new dwellings.
  • There is no provision for requesting an extra red (garbage) bin service.  If customers require an extra red bin they need to apply for a full service.
  • The additional service is ongoing, and not available for seasonal or one off requests. Minimum period is 12 months.

Step 1.Eligibility

  • Willoughby City Council residents only.

Step 2.Fees and charges

  • There is a charge for this service which is added to the rates account - only the rate payer can apply for the service.  Tenants need to contact their managing agent or landlord. 
  • The fee is applied pro rata for the financial year.
  • Check Council's adopted fees and charges.

Step 3.Register or login to submit application

Not registered? You will require a MyWilloughby account to submit an application.

Register your MyWilloughby account

Already registered?

Apply now

Step 4.What happens next

We’ll review your application.

You will be contacted if any information is missing from your application and to notify you when the bins have been delivered and the additional charges.

You will receive an application reference number which you can use to track your application.