The Community Recycling Centre is temporarily unable to accept paint, oils, light globes, gas cylinders, aerosols, household and embedded batteries due to a fire at the processing facility.
When would you need this?
You may be eligible for Council’s reduced cost self funded retiree domestic waste service.
What you need to know:
Residents must meet all of the following conditions to be eligible:
The name of the applicant on the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card is to be the same as the ownership record of the property (as per the Land Titles Office) to be eligible for the rebate.
Not registered? You will require a MyWilloughby account to submit an application.
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You will receive an application reference number which you can use to track your application.
You will also be notified once your application has been processed.
Why register?
Call our Customer Service Centre on:
02 9777 1000