Climate Conversations
Start a climate conversation within our community.
Willoughby City Council is committed to strong action on climate change. This is reflected in our climate emergency declaration and our target of net zero emissions in Council operations by 2025. In addition, we have made a commitment to support our community to reach net zero emissions by the 2040s or sooner. In order to reach this target, we all have a role to play.
Willoughby residents can hold conversations within our community that lead to meaningful action on climate change through the power of ordinary Australians.
We know that the majority of Australians are concerned about climate change but are not sure what they can do about it. Having quality conversations about climate change in a relaxed environment helps build social connections and the momentum for change that’s required to achieve effective climate action.
The resources below will help you start mobilising conversations with family, friends, and colleagues.
- Climate for Change, a not-for-profit and non-partisan organisation, provides a free online course on holding meaningful conversations, a conversations guide and the ability to host a facilitator to lead you and your friends in a conversation. You can also train as a facilitator yourself.
- The Climate Council, an Australian independent, evidence-based organisation focused on climate science, impacts and solutions, provides communication guides on a range of climate-related subjects including extreme weather, the economy, and on what to do now as well. They also provide resources in the form of infographics, explainers, podcasts, reports and myth-busting guides.
- Talk Climate Change is a website that provides information on how to have climate conversations and tracks conversations around the world through an interactive map.