Devonshire Street Plan of Management supports community needs

Last modified on 30 May 2023


Willoughby City Council’s draft Plan of Management for 28-32 and 34-40 Devonshire St Chatswood will encourage and provide the use of the land through facilities which meet the current and future needs of the local community.

Willoughby City Mayor Tanya Taylor said that the draft Plan of Management identifies important features of the land and clarifies how the land may be used or developed.

The draft Plan of Management was on public exhibition from 27 March 2023 to 8 May 2023 and 43 submissions were received during this time. In addition, a public hearing was held on 17 April 2023, in respect to the proposed categorisation of the land.

Council has received community feedback relating to seeking an operator to continue childcare services at Devonshire Street. Consideration of the operator for those services is a separate issue to the classification of the land for general community use.

“We are giving careful consideration to these matters and to all submissions received,” Mayor Taylor said.

Council resolved to defer these matters to the June Council meeting to allow for further consideration as they are interrelated and of public interest.

Reports for the May meeting are available on Council’s website with further reports to be presented to the 26 June 2023 Council meeting.

For media enquiries, please contact:
P: 9777 1000


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