Artarmon Local Centre - Traffic Calming Project

Last modified on 22 April 2021

Montage - Artarmon Local Centre Traffic Calming Project

We're working to create more pedestrian friendly streets around the high pedestrian activity areas of Artarmon Village and Artarmon train station. 

What we're doing

We're introducing a lower speed environment in the Artarmon local centre. This will:

  • improve local amenity by reducing the speed of cars
  • provide safer walking and cycling areas
  • maintain vehicle access for residents and businesses

Walking is integral to our transport system and the most convenient option for short trips to key destinations and within a local centre. Hence, it is essential that Council continue to plan and provide efficient, safe and well connected facilities by prioritising infrastructure that supports pedestrian movements at local centres - creating quality places, improving local amenities and providing well connected local centres to live, visit and work.

The improvement works are part of the Artarmon Local Centre Public Domain Masterplan(PDF, 14MB), which will be delivered in two stages:

  • Stage 1: Traffic calming devices
  • Stage 2: Traffic and pedestrian signals at the intersection of Hampden Road and Broughton Road; and an upgrade to the park adjacent to the railway line around the entry to the station, including the installation of new toilet/amenities block

Refer to the Staging Plan(PDF, 3MB) for work and location details. 

Council have completed extensive community consultations prior to the construction of these road safety works.

Raised thresholds

As part of the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) requirement for the 40 km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA), the speed limit must be self-enforcing. As such, raised thresholds will be introduced to Hampden Road and Elizabeth Street. The introduction of these thresholds will reinforce the commitments to calm traffic, improve pedestrians’ safety and enable the introduction of a 40km/h HPAA by TfNSW.

Some raised thresholds will include kerbside islands (rain gardens/garden beds) and garden beds on nature strips in accordance with TfNSW technical directives to prevent thresholds being used as pedestrian crossings.

'No Stopping' zones at intersections

In accordance with the Australian Road Rules, Australian Standards, and TfNSW Technical Directions, a minimum of 10 metres is required on all approaches to an intersection to provide adequate sight lines. To ensure this statutory requirement is met, some kerbside parking will be removed at the intersections of Hampden Lane and Jersey Rd, Broughton Rd and Francis St, and replaced with 'No Stopping' zones.

Gateway statements/treatments

As part of the intersection changes at Hampden Lane, traffic islands with rain gardens and garden beds will be installed to narrow the road and to calm traffic. These are gateway treatments as motorists enter the Artarmon Village high pedestrian activity area.

Please note: Some kerbside parking will be temporarily occupied for construction purposes and safe working areas. Traffic management plans will be used to manage good traffic flow, safe pedestrian access and minimise temporary loss of on-street parking during the construction period.

Project area

The project area involves:

  1. Cnr Hampden Rd & McMillan Rd - night works only (8pm-5am)
  2. Cnr Jersey Rd & Hampden Ln
  3. Cnr Broughton Rd & Hampden Ln
  4. Cnr Francis Rd & Hampden Ln
  5. Cnr Hampden Rd & Brand St - night works only (8pm-5am)
  6. Elizabeth St (outside No.23)
  7. Cnr Elizabeth St & Bridge St
  8. Cnr Elizabeth St & Tindale Rd

Staging Plan - Artarmon Local Centre(PDF, 3MB)

Project dates

Works commence on Monday 26 April and is expected to be completed by early July 2021 (weather permitting).
Refer to the individual locations above for exact dates at each site.


Site Project Manager: Randy Montesclaros

Phone - 02 9777 7704 or 0438679800
Email -

Montage Shared Path - Artarmon Local Centre.jpg

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