Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

All councils in NSW are required to have an Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework, under the Local Government Act.  This provides a strategic line of sight from our community’s vision, right through to what council will do, and how it will resource and report on progress.  


Community Strategic Plan

Our Future Willoughby is Willoughby City’s Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and captures our community’s long term vision, desired outcomes and priorities, and considers other plans at the State and regional level. While this is the overarching strategic document guiding what Council does, other key bodies also have a role in addressing the priorities - Government, business, visitors, community groups and the wider community. The CSP is reviewed every 4 years. 

Our Future Willoughby

Resourcing Strategy

Council’s Resourcing Strategy also has a 10-year horizon to support the CSP, by ensuring Council has sufficient resources to deliver on its responsibilities. It is comprised of the Long Term Financial Plan which is reviewed annually; and the Workforce Plan and Asset Management Strategy which are reviewed every 4 years. These are also supported by 20-year Asset Management Plans for various classes of assets, to effectively plan for asset maintenance and replacement over the long term.

Resourcing Strategy

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

These documents above all guide and support what Council commits to deliver in its 4-year Delivery Program and annual Operational Plan with programs and actions that address the community’s priorities, and indicators to help measure our success.

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

IPR Framework diagram



Our set of reports then provide a window to our achievements against the Delivery Program and Operational Plan at an operational and financial level: 

  • Quarterly Budget Reviews and other financial reports 
  • 6-monthly Progress Reports 
  • Annual Reports and Annual Financial Statements.

When reviewing the CSP every 4 years, we also report on how we have progressed against the higher level strategic outcomes of the CSP – in the State of our City Report.
